( Image lifted from Bedding Envy ... love that site).
Every year it seems that most people make resolutions to lose weight, reconnect with seldom seen friends, or get organized. I do that too but I also make a list of home projects that need to be done or I would like to accomplish in the next twelve months. This year it seemed like the list was insurmountable so I have broken my list down further and came up with some January goals. At the top of my list was to pack away all of the Christmas paraphernalia. Check. I got that done yesterday and I have the sore muscles to prove it. After a short business trip I hope to get on board with the whole weight loss/get healthy thing. So that brings me to the home improvement side of my list. I hope to clean out, purge, and reorganize my kitchen this month. I don't think I have really done this since it was remodeled four years ago. Yes that will be a big job but my biggest undertaking will be to redo a bedroom. I have several that could use an update but I think I will start with one of the boys rooms. It probably depends on which room I find bedding for first. I've learned that it is easier to find paint to match the bedding than the other way around.
This is one of the bedrooms that I am getting ready to update. This room is up on the third floor. You know, the kind of room that only kids would want to climb up to on a regular basis. The kind of room that makes you feel like you are up in a tree house. The kind of room that only has one window. Consequently, Adam, my son, and I painted this faux window about eight years ago to give the illusion of openness. I'll need to remove the wall paper but whatever I do I think I will try and work around this window. It has happy memories for me and it is definitely unique. Adam was fascinated with skyscrapers at the time so we painted this city scene and finished the windows of the buildings with a glow in the dark paint. It is fun to lie in bed at night with the lights off and see a night time city scene come to life.
Other than that painted window, though, the room is basically a complete do over. The furniture, which was mine as a kid, is looking old and tired. The bear is still with us but I did, thankfully, lose the flag pillow. The quilt is an old Ralph Lauren purchase from the outlet mall in 1998! Wow. I can't believe it is twelve years old. I really should climb these stairs and come up here a little more often. This photo is actually from 2004 and I honestly think it looks better here than in real life.
So I'm ready to start looking at linens. The photo of the fun Lacoste tennis bedding made its way into my inbox a few weeks ago. I don't think I will use it because it was really our daughter that was the tennis player but I loved the bright green color so much that I thought it qualified as fun enough to share. I never thought of green for up here but it just might work. Any suggestions? Send them my way. I am open to ideas. I'd also love to see some of the room make overs you would like to tackle this year. I may even try and figure out that whole linky thing.