I can hardly believe we are already half way through October. October 15th was my Dad's birthday. We lost Dad four years ago this week and he would have been seventy nine today. I always thought that the colors in our corner of the world peaked right around his birthday. This year seems to be a wee bit earlier than most but when I took this picture of the red maple tree in our back yard earlier this week I couldn't help but think of my dad. So cheers to you Dad and I hope you are enjoying a round of golf and then a martini in Heaven today.
As for Motivated Monday, I so enjoyed reading all of the posts here last week.
It looks like we are all in full-on-fall mode right now. There were so many autumn decorating posts, recipes, Halloween flair, and fashion ideas. I am crazy inspired. These were a few of the posts that I wanted to highlight from last week's linky party -
First up was this genius idea of covering a faux pumpkin with self-adhesive shelf paper from 21 Rosemary Lane. So much less mess than decoupage. For the complete tutorial be sure and stop by and visit Barbara.
You really must also try and find the time to stop by and watch Rena's video over on
Her three minute video is so well done and makes this project incredibly easy to follow and so tempting to try. Thanks Rena for sharing this with us.
I am so inspired to jump in my car and head to our local ReStore shop to see if I can find a chair like hers to re-do.
Adore what she did to this one. To fully appreciate it you need to visit her blog and see the befores, middles, and the cheerful afters.
If you prefer a more subdued vintage look then you will want to visit
to see and read about this new paint she discovered to easily give your pieces that time worn aged appearance.
There were a lot of painting projects last week - my favorite kind and a number of them dealt with polka dots.
There were a lot of painting projects last week - my favorite kind and a number of them dealt with polka dots.
Most of us have seen the pink polka dot room that Emily Clark created for her daughter but her dots were decals. If you don't want to spend the money for all of those decals and you don't mind putting in a bit of time and sweat equity then be sure and stop by
for a great tutorial on how to paint your own polka dots with results that looks this fantastic.
Here is another fun project that caught my eye and was definitely something I had not seen before. How adorable is this Minnie Mouse high chair created with a detachable polka dot skirt from
oh, for cute.
Shifting gears, I recently I noticed a friend of mine looked so much thinner. When I mentioned it to him how great he was looking he told me he had read a book The Wheat Belly and was following a wheat free diet. It sure seems to be working, so when I saw this wheat free, gluten free chocolate bites recipe from
I was immediately smitten and knew I wanted to share it with all of you.
Many of you may know that I have also been really really trying to eat healthier but every once in a while we all deserve a bit of a treat and I thought these
Witch Broom Cookies