Even though our Traveling Door Show has been postponed I have been continuing to paint away. I occasionally buy clearance items that need a bit of TLC but sometimes I am fortunate enough to be able to recycle something from home like this wine box. Last Christmas Mike received a bottle of wine from one of his vendors in this great wooden box. The wine is long gone but I thought it would be fun to do something with the box. It was just a plain cherry stained box with the vineyard's logo on the top until I gave it the BeColorful touch.
I kept it rather subdued this time and blues are a total break out color for me.
I painted the entire box a navy blue then added the silver stripes using painter's tape. I am not very good about planning ahead. I should have painted the lid silver too and then use my Silhouette machine to create a mask that I could put down and then cover with the blue paint. That would have been much too easy. So since I already had the top painted blue I still used the Silhouette machine to create the letters. I forget the font that I used. Then removed the letters from the vinyl to create a stencil and filled that in with silver paint using a small round sponge brush.
Open it up and you have an emergency survival kit that just might come in handy over the upcoming holidays.
Don't want to wait for the show?
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So glad you stopped by.