The American Red Cross Red Boa Ball was earlier this month and I had wanted to create something that I could donate to the silent auction. I settled on the idea of painting one of these Ikea LINDVED bistro tables for the event.
They are a nice size for a small patio grouping and they come pre-painted in an easy- to- cover shade of clean white. They really are a virtual blank canvas just begging for color.
I spray painted the entire table first with Rust-Oleum 2x spray paint in glossy Spa Blue. After the paint had dried I drew on my design with white chalk. This allows me to make pattern changes with out having to repaint the table top.
Once my design was laid out it was just a matter of filling in the leaves and flowers with various shades of craft paint. Then I went back and outlined some of the elements with a sharpie marker to give them more definition and impact.
Next I added some stripes for interest using a flat edge one inch brush. Using this brush is a time saving short cut to avoid having to use painter's tape.
Finally I created a bit more interest and color by adding some dots. I like to use a pencil eraser because this helps me to be sure the dots are fairly uniform in size and shape.
Sometimes I think a project is complete and I go ahead and take some pictures for my portfolio. It's when I look at the pictures that I occasionally realize something isn't right.
I thought my table was complete...
but then I knew it had too much open space. What to do? Fill it in with more dots!
Much better.
I was able to complete this project in an evening and I'm happy to say that the money it raised was worth the effort.